How Do I Successfully Pad My Resume?

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Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. His work involves life coaching, as well as executive job search coaching and business life coaching. He is the host of “Job Search Radio” and “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” both available through iTunes and Stitcher.

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Someone wrote to me with the question and this is my way of responding to them and the question is, “How do I successfully pad my resume?”

It seems that this person has a four year gap in the background during which time they took some college classes and dealt with some mental health issues and had been on disability. Actually, it seemed lies they are currently on disability the way it’s written.

So I’ll just start by saying it starts off with your own thoughts about yourself. You describe this period as “padding my resume” versus you had an illness and I’m well enough to return to work and would like to do so.

Now if you think you’ll be able to return at the same level, compensation, and a variety of other variables as existed 4 years ago, there you’re kidding yourself. You will not be able to do that. Firms are not going to suddenly assume that after 4 years you know exactly as much as he did before and you are is capable of you were 4 years ago.

If you did not drive a car for 4 years and got behind the wheel of one, it might feel little awkward . . . and the same id going to apply to you returning to the workforce. From their vantage point, it’s not about padding; it’s talking about what you did the last 4 years “I had an illness. I’m returning to work. It’s really that simple.

Are going to love that? No. Not every firm is going to be excited to interview you for obvious reasons, but the right firm will and that’s the most important thing I can say to you. The right firm is good be interested in your background despite the four year gap.

So stop referring to this this as padding your resume as though you are going to con someone into a job. Instead, think of it is as taking this issue straight on, knowing that some people are going to be pleased with what you explain to them; some firms will never be convinced; and the right firm will.