Job Search Radio: Owning vs. Renting Your Career


This is the video of the podcast

Once upon a time boys and girls, a person went to work right out of high school confident that they would be able to work for an employer until retirement, Fat chance of that happening now!

On this show, I speak with Kevin Kermes of All Things Career about constructive ways to look at your career. Rather than allowing yourself to get “stuck” doing work you don’t enjoy, Kevin offers a formula to help you think holistically about your career and come up with an answer for yours.


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been a coach and recruiter for what seems like one hundred years.

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Job Search Radio – Owning vs. Renting Your Career

Once upon a time boys and girls, a person went to work right out of high school confident that they would be able to work for an employer until retirement; fat chance of that happening now!

On this show, I speak with Kevin Kermes of All Things Career about constructive ways to look at your career. Rather than allowing yourself to get “stuck” doing work you don’t enjoy, Kevin offers a formula to help you think holistically about your career and come up with an answer for yourself.

Listen to the podcast

Is your job search not going the way you want? Are you unsure about what to do to get it going? You may be doing critical things wrong or a lot of small things wrong that are costing you opportunities. Schedule 30 minutes of time with me.

Is your current firm trying to hire someone? Email the name and number of the hiring manager to me and whether I can mention your name.

You can watch, listen to or read more of my job search, hiring and recruiting content at

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