How do I get my resume noticed? How do I get my LinkedIn profile noticed? Similar questions with slightly different answers.
How I get my resume or LinkedIn profile noticed?
These are is a slightly different questions and I want to address both of them. They asked of me independently and I think each should be addressed in of themselves.
So, first of all, let’s start with a resume. How you get your resume noticed? Normally, when someone says that to me, they are usually in the phase of posting it on job boards but let me just work with the assumption that, maybe, it’s not just a job board. Maybe what you’ve done is contact the hring manager, you have mailed delete it to he or she; maybe you’re in a situation where you have it on a website. You want to make sure that it’s noticed. Just how do you do that?
Understand who the user is? Who is the person who is looking at the resume In order to figure out how to make it noticed. Since the person who is looking at the resume is someone who’s trying to hire someone , that’s your way of understanding it.
You need to have a resume that demonstrates your (#1) fit for a job; (#2) is keyword and SEO rich in order to demonstrate that you have the skills that they are looking. So that’s the obvious one and the easy to control.
How to get your LinkedIn profile noticed is a little bit different because people look at LinkedIn profiles for different reasons. Number one is they are curious. They are curious because you’ve done something on LinkedIn that piques their interest. For example, you’ve written a blog article. You posted something in a group. There is something that you found on the web that you shared on your on your homepage in the feed there and your followers decided to share it or they just decided to look at it of themselves because they aren’t really close to you so what you are doing is thinking of LinkedIn as a marketing vehicle.
In the case of a resume, as my friend, Perry Newman, says, you are the you wants to be hunted there. So you’re submitting something to apply for a job. You are the hunter.
On LinkedIn, you are the person who wants to be hunted. You have to do things that make you attractive. So like the job board scenario, like the other ones I mentioned, you, yes, you do want to have a profile is keyword rich. You want that so that it attracts the recruiters amongst the users.
But if you want to find the hiring managers reaching out to you, if you want to build your network and develop relationships, the actions that you take in other places will draw people to you. So following a particular firm, joining a particular group and participating regularly, writing articles for LinkedIn normally will increase your traffic, particularly, if in your signature, you include your LinkedIn profile and encourages people to reach out to you.
Again slightly different motivations and the results will cause you to increase your traffic.
Hope you found this helpful and have a great day. By the way, I want you to do is visit JobSearchCoachingHQ.com. I’m the head coach there. I’ll answer your questions there. The site has curated information to help you find work.
Do you really think employers are trying to help you? You already know you can’t trust recruiters—they tell as they think you need to know to take the job they after representing so they collect their payday.
The skills needed to find a job are different yet complement the skills needed to do a job.
Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been a career coach and recruiter for what seems like one hundred years.
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