Winners find a way to win and losers find the way to lose. I’ve said this for many years but there’s more to this adage than just that.
Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been coaching people to play their professional and personal games BIG for what seems like 100 years.
For more No BS Coaching Advice & encouragement, visit my website.
The tai Lopez ad before this vid was longer than the vid itself – and
scarily invigorating
The tai Lopez ad before this vid was longer than the vid itself – and scarily invigorating
The tai Lopez ad before this vid was longer than the vid itself – and scarily invigorating
YouTube apparently believes that’s a worthwhile video to proceed my stuff. Personally, I don’t, but…
YouTube apparently believes that’s a worthwhile video to proceed my stuff. Personally, I don’t, but…
i actually liked it for another source of info
i actually liked it for another source of info