Why Am I Not Getting Emails from Recruiters? (VIDEO)

I am a gainfully employed data scientist with a solid career history and I have a good network in the data science community online. I am active on Twitter and have a LinkedIn profile. However, I have never received an email or message from a recruiter. What can I do to start getting recruited?

I think my answer is valid for any profession.

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is an executive job search and leadership coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years.

JobSearchCoachingHQ.com changes that with great advice for job hunters—videos, my books and guides to job hunting, podcasts, articles, PLUS a community for you to ask questions of PLUS the ability to ask me questions where I function as your ally with no conflict of interest answering your questions. NOW WITH A 7 DAY FREE TRIAL

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10 thoughts on “Why Am I Not Getting Emails from Recruiters? (VIDEO)”

  1. It’s good when they don’t contact you, unless you throw your bloody bait,
    err resume out there. 90% of the time all they want is the access to the
    hiring manager – full name usually works. The other 10%, LinkedIn is NOT
    the place to dump your resume.. go to indeed and dice instead (the latter
    works really well if you want to get noticed for contract positions –
    noticed is the operative word though).
    Next thing – create a free .me site and put a personal portfolio on it (not
    a resume)

  2. It’s good when they don’t contact you, unless you throw your bloody bait, err resume out there. 90% of the time all they want is the access to the hiring manager – full name usually works. The other 10%, LinkedIn is NOT the place to dump your resume.. go to indeed and dice instead (the latter works really well if you want to get noticed for contract positions – noticed is the operative word though).
    Next thing – create a free .me site and put a personal portfolio on it (not a resume)

  3. It’s good when they don’t contact you, unless you throw your bloody bait, err resume out there. 90% of the time all they want is the access to the hiring manager – full name usually works. The other 10%, LinkedIn is NOT the place to dump your resume.. go to indeed and dice instead (the latter works really well if you want to get noticed for contract positions – noticed is the operative word though).
    Next thing – create a free .me site and put a personal portfolio on it (not a resume)

  4. key word rich? as a newly graduated HR Professional with a SHRM certificate
    what should my key words be? I don’t have a lot of experience in HR and
    really need a local position that is entry-level

  5. key word rich? as a newly graduated HR Professional with a SHRM certificate what should my key words be? I don’t have a lot of experience in HR and really need a local position that is entry-level

  6. key word rich? as a newly graduated HR Professional with a SHRM certificate what should my key words be? I don’t have a lot of experience in HR and really need a local position that is entry-level

  7. +Kim T, I have other videos for recent grads. Look for my playlist for recent grads at TheBigGameHunterTV. I hope you find them helpful.

  8. +Kim T, I have other videos for recent grads. Look for my playlist for recent grads at TheBigGameHunterTV. I hope you find them helpful.

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