Change is Coming | No BS Job Search Advice Radio

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter encourages you to anticipate change and get support now.



This is going to be a quirky podcasts for me and an important one for you.  Most of the time, I talked about how you can tactically deal with job hunting – – I help you with resumes, I talked with you about how to handle interview questions and negotiate salary, a whole host of things related to job. On this show, I want to go “bigger picture.”

The bigger picture is that, when you find a job now, most of you make the mistake of thinking it’s all over. I’ve got my job. Yippee! I’m done.

What you need is someone to work with you over the course of your career who is someone you can bounce ideas off of.  Someone who can give you advice about how to handle professional situations.

You know.  A coach.  You may think you have that person place, but you really don’t.  That’s because you never call upon them.  You never reach out to them for advice.  That’s what I want to talk with you candidly right now.

If you think your professional circumstances are safe now, you are mistaken.  Change is clearly a part of our life landscape. Let me give you perspective for my career.

I started off in recruiting in 1972.  At that time, you deliver the resume by US mail. Then, he progressed to the messenger delivering resumes in your local city.  He used the messenger service.  Then you hired your own messenger. Then, this great thing happened – – the fax machine.  The fax machine is limiting the job of the messenger, just like the messenger cost jobs at the post office.  Now, obviously, we use email.

Now, we do recruiting, not by waiting for resumes to arrive in our inbox through the mail, not by waiting for fax, waiting for it to be emailed.  Now, we are finding people aggressively online using a variety of different tools where we can research people online and find them.

When push comes to shove, in that simple illustration, I probably talked about 9 or 10 different changes, all of which cost jobs.  In doing the research, you are impacting jobs at job boards.  When job boards came around, did anyone use a fax machine anymore? No.  It’s built into the software or PCs and we never use it anyway

the point I’m trying to make is that, in your career, you’re going to need to anticipate the changes in your career.  You will need to be proactive in order to position yourself in a way that allows you to stand out from others.  This isn’t simply about branding because branding is only one aspect of it.  You have to anticipate that the firm you are working for. Could go out of business tomorrow. With the change.

Now, I know a lot of you are thinking, “That can’t happen to me.  I work for Megalopolysis, the biggest and most important firm in the field.” 

Didn’t the recession teach you anything about safety, at firms?  Lord knows, there were millions and millions of people throughout the world who thought their jobs were safe and their careers were well positioned because they work for good firms.  These people all went up out on their butts.  People at Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns before that… We can go through all sorts of firms where people did great work and, through no fault of theirs. The sand shifted under their feet and they wound up being out of a job.  Painfully out of a job.

My encouragement for you is to get someone to sit and talk with.

I’m available and, yes, I do charge for the service but we can do it through we are a 10 minute session may cost you less than $50.  We can get a quote acquainted and set up something quarterly where we talk.  You need someone to bounce ideas off of you has the experience that I have, is a subject matter expert around job search, who does career coaching for many many years. I want to help you.

You need a trusted advisor to work with to ensure that you don’t wind up losing going forward.  Reach out to me through where I am a job search and career coaching expert. I’ll be happy to answer your questions. Happy to set up a schedule where we can work together for many years so that you are well-positioned going forward in your career and you don’t get caught short.



Do you think employers are trying to help you? You already know you can’t trust recruiters—they tell you as much as they think you need to know to take the job they after representing so they collect their payday.

The skills needed to find a job are different yet complement the skills needed to do a job.

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been a career coach and recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. changes that with great advice for job hunters—videos, my books and guides to job hunting, podcasts, articles, PLUS a community for you to ask questions of PLUS the ability to ask me questions where I function as your ally with no conflict of interest answering your questions.

Connect with me on LinkedIn

You can order a copy of “Diagnosing Your Job Search Problems” for Kindle for $.99 and receive free Kindle versions of “No BS Resume Advice” and “Interview Preparation.”

American Headhunter: Getting Ready


In this video, I offer a cautionary tale for recruiters.


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been a  successful recruiter for more than 40 years.

For more videos for third party recruiters, visit and click the “American Headhunter” tab at the top of the page, We’ll be moving all of my content to the blog so check there, too.

Listen to Job Search Radio, No B. S. Job Search Advice Radio and No B. S. Hiring Advice Radio in iTunes and other podcast directories and apps.

Schedule time with me to get advice about how to handle a candidate, closing a deal or something related to your work.