One Mile South, One Mile East, One Mile North and Are Back in the Same Place

How many points are there on the earth where you could travel one mile south, then one mile east, then one mile north and end up in the same spot you started?


Here’s a fun brainteaser question for today!

So the question is, “How many points are there on earth where you can travel 1 mile south, then 1 mile east, then 1 mile north and end up in the same spot you started in?”

Got that?

This is a fun one because I think most people start off with the answer of the North Pole. Think of the earth as being a sphere.You can start at the North Pole and can travel 1 mile south then 1 mile east then 1 mile north on the back of the North Pole, right?

But there’s another group of places that it could also work.

So imagine being at the South Pole or at a place near the South Pole where you could travel around the earth and it would be only 1 mile to travel around it.

So you could start 1 mile north of that point and then travel 1 mile south, 1 mile east and then 1 mile north and wind up in the same place you started.

The trick with that is this infinite number of places that that could work because there is not what one finite spot where this is true. Remember we’re dealing with a sphere. You could be any one of those points 1 mile north of that circumference of the earth and wind up being able to do this.

And within that of 1 mile circumference, let’s go to a half-mile. So if you started a mile north of that point; you can travel 1 mile south to it and then walk around the earth twice and then head back to the north and wind up in the same spot, right?

And again the same thing is true. There is an infinite number of possibilities where that could happen. Frankly it’s also true of any place within the radius of a mile around or any spot within that circumference this answer can work.

So, the answer was really the North Pole with an infinite number of choices that will allow you to do this.




Fun Question!

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