Being a professional isn’t about the money. It’s about the attitude.
[spp-tweet tweet=” If you want to be a halfway performer, that is your prerogative but stop blaming others.”]
Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been coaching people to play their professional and personal games BIG for what seems like 100 years.
For more No BS Coaching Advice & encouragement, visit my website.
Part of going pro is to tune out all voices that hold you where you are.
The best way to be forced to go pro is to find what you’re doing is leading
you nowhere. We all have the ability to make radical changes overnight if
the situation demands it. Summoning that inner daemon is what a coach
should help you with. Making you lose your savings not so much
Part of going pro is to tune out all voices that hold you where you are. The best way to be forced to go pro is to find what you’re doing is leading you nowhere. We all have the ability to make radical changes overnight if the situation demands it. Summoning that inner daemon is what a coach should help you with. Making you lose your savings not so much
Part of going pro is to tune out all voices that hold you where you are. The best way to be forced to go pro is to find what you’re doing is leading you nowhere. We all have the ability to make radical changes overnight if the situation demands it. Summoning that inner daemon is what a coach should help you with. Making you lose your savings not so much
Yet most people don’t make those changes and that’s the point. We get stuck in our day-to-day, evolved into complainers and take no action. Going pro is a mind shift because all the conditioning we received from the time that we’ve been little, brought to school and taken to our 1st desk has been to, “Shut up. Do what you’re told. You will be tell you to do. Regurgitate a bunch of facts. Or else…” Or else you will get into a good college, or else you will get a good job, or else will fire you… A lifetime of conditioning doesn’t change overnight.
Yet most people don’t make those changes and that’s the point. We get stuck in our day-to-day, evolved into complainers and take no action. Going pro is a mind shift because all the conditioning we received from the time that we’ve been little, brought to school and taken to our 1st desk has been to, “Shut up. Do what you’re told. You will be tell you to do. Regurgitate a bunch of facts. Or else…” Or else you will get into a good college, or else you will get a good job, or else will fire you… A lifetime of conditioning doesn’t change overnight.