Job Search Lessons from Super Bowl 47

I loved Super Bowl 47. The battle between the two teams was one that I expected to be as fierce as it was and be as close as it was. As those who know me would say, the only thing that would have made it better is if the Giants played in it and won.

It’s hard for me to look at the game and not be reminded of certain truisms from job hunting.

1. You don’t think these teams got there by accident?

These are organizations that have prepared for years to put the talent on the field with systems in place to support that talent. It has been an organizational effort, not just an effort by the players.

You need to engender the support of family, friends, (former) collagues, relationships, former vendors, ANYONE who can support you to victory.

2. Take risks and don’t second guess yourself.

The 49ers were a very good team, solid on offense and overwhelming on defense. Their head coach made a decision during the season. While their starting quarterback was injured, he decided to replace him with the backup. A solid offense became a great one.

The Ravens were a very good team but their offense was “stuck” and had been for years. Their head coach fired their offensive coordinator with only a few weeks left in the season. That usually isn’t enough time to make such a change and have a positive impact in the current season. Yet Baltimore’s offense blossomed under their new coordinator.

Both men were second gruesed for their decisions yet they made them and stuck by them.

There may be times when a calculated risk on your part is called for. It’s OK to be afraid when you take that actiuon. It is not OK to be paralyzed.

3. Establish your best effort immediately!

Baltimore won the coin toss and, instead of receiving the kickoff, decided to establish their will and determination with their defense on the field first.

Where can you establish your will and determination where you have been passive and predictable up until now?

4. Mistakes are costly!

On their opening drive, Baltimore’s offense was stopped on third down in 49er territory only to get another chance when a penalty was called on the 49er defense. The Ravens scored a touch down on the next play. Understand, Baltimore won by 3 points. The difference between kicking a field goal there and that touchdown was 4 points, WOW!

The 49ers were driving the ball and soon fumbled and another time threw an interception. These turnovers destroyed their momentum and kept them from establishing their will over Baltimore. Although the game was close, these turnovers and mistakes made a big differnce in the game.

Be aggressive but avoid mistakes.

5. How do you re-kindle your energy

This is an unusual one . . .

After halftime, Batimore returned a kickoff for a touchdown. They seemed like they were ready to finish the destruction of their opponent. Suddenly, the lights went out and the Ravens seemed flat when they came back out to play. On the other hand . . .

6. Use opportunities to shift momentum in your favor

San Francisco could have been ready to accept defeat but used the same 34 minute power outage to change their play.

Never cave in to negative thoughts. Use every opportunity to use the opportunities afforded to you to get ignited.

7. How can you re-kindle your energy when it is waning?

Coming out of the 34 minute power outage, San Francisco scored 17 straight points. The momentum on the field had shifted to them and it looked llike what once was an easy Baltimore victory might be turned into defeat.

Baltimore received the kick off and controlled the ball and the tempo of the game, extending their lead and putting the 49ers on notice that they would not roll over and collapse.

When you face adversity, pull yourself together and fight back!

8. It isn’t over until it is.

Both teams fought very hard down to the very end. Some fans and sportscasters point to a final incompete pass by San Francisco on which they think a penalty should have been called.

Even after that, Baltimore got the ball back, couldn’t move it and was forced to punt to the 49ers with 12 seconds left on the clock and leading by 5 points. Except, San Francisco was not prepared for the next play.

The ball was snapped back to the punter and, instead of rushing him San Francisco laid back to receive the punt and work to a long punt return. Except the Baltimore punter was prepared.

Instead of immediately kicking, he ran around the end zone for 8 seconds before giving up a safety and two points.

That left San Francisco with 4 seconds left on the clock and one play . . . receiving a free kick and trying to score a touchdown on the return. It was not to be.

Concede nothing. Fight until the end.

9. Winners find a way to win and losers have explanations and excuses for why they didn’t.

Focus on all the details that will halp you win. Be fearless. It’s OK to feel fear. Just don’t let your fear keep you from focusing on victory.

© 2013 all rights reserved.

Offer Letters

It never fails.

At least once a year someone walks over to me and starts up a conversation with me.

“Did (my wife/husband, friend, uncle, aunt) call you?

“The long and the short of it is they went on an interview, filled out all the paperwork and received a job offer. They accepted the offer and gave notice to their job(s).”

“The day before they called up to find out what time to be in at work on Monday and were told, ‘Gee, we just met with our accountant and he told us we should be laying off people and not hiring someone so we can’t bring you on board right now.'”

“What can I do?”

I then ask, “Did you have the job offer in writing?”


“Well, without proof, if I were you, I would turn around and apologize and tell your current boss that you made a terrible mistake and would like your job back.”

“But . . . ”

“No ‘buts.’ No letter. No proof.”

In case you’re wondering,  always get the job offer in writing. Even if an agent is representing you, the agent is generally being paid by the employer and works for them and not for you (There are exceptions to this rule)

Get it in writing!


© The Big Game Hunter, Inc. Asheville, NC  2010


Tough Interview Questions: The Card Game Brainteaser


In this video, Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter poses a fun hedge fund brainteaser question set in a casino.


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been a recruiter for more than 40 years.

Follow him at the Big Game Hunter, Inc. on LinkedIn for more articles, videos and podcasts than what are offered here and jobs he is recruiting for.

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American Headhunter: Stop Using LinkedIn InMail


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter reviews TweetMyJobs and discusses its functionality as an app.


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been a recruiter for more than 40 years.

Visit my website, to sign up for a complimentary subscription to No B.S. Job Search Advice Ezine, pay what you want for my books and guides to job hunting and wants hundreds of other videos about job hunting and hiring.

Follow him at the Big Game Hunter, Inc. on LinkedIn  for more articles, videos and podcasts than what are offered here and jobs he is recruiting for.

Connect with me on LinkedIn.

Subscribe to TheBigGameHunterTV on YouTube for advice about job hunting and hiring. Like videos, share and comment.

Listen to Job Search Radio, No B. S. Job Search Advice Radio and No B. S. Hiring Advice Radio in iTunes and other podcast directories and apps.

Want to ask me a question via email, chat or phone ? Reach me via PrestoExperts or