Be Clear When You Interview (VIDEO)

In this video, Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter explains the importance of speaking clearly when you speak on a job interview.


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. His work involves career coaching, all as well as executive job search coaching and business life coaching. He is the host of “Job Search Radio,” “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” and his newest show, “No BS Coaching Advice.”

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7 thoughts on “Be Clear When You Interview (VIDEO)”

  1. This is a great point. Between working and meeting with people in
    different countries and having been interviewed a few times by some people
    with an accent where I had some difficulty understanding them I fully
    agree. I always ask for clarification when I don’t understand. I’m sure
    the down vote was someone that got offended by this. Presentation and
    clarity of communications is always very important. As a matter of fact I
    believe it is becoming ubiquitous on software engineering job postings and
    I fully understand why. I believe I’ve seen a few articles says anyone can
    learn a language without having an accent within a few months if they focus
    their effort properly.

  2. This is a great point.  Between working and meeting with people in different countries and having been interviewed a few times by some people with an accent where I had some difficulty understanding them I fully agree.  I always ask for clarification when I don’t understand.  I’m sure the down vote was someone that got offended by this.  Presentation and clarity of communications is always very important.  As a matter of fact I believe it is becoming ubiquitous on software engineering job postings and I fully understand why.  I believe I’ve seen a few articles says anyone can learn a language without having an accent within a few months if they focus their effort properly.

  3. This is a great point.  Between working and meeting with people in different countries and having been interviewed a few times by some people with an accent where I had some difficulty understanding them I fully agree.  I always ask for clarification when I don’t understand.  I’m sure the down vote was someone that got offended by this.  Presentation and clarity of communications is always very important.  As a matter of fact I believe it is becoming ubiquitous on software engineering job postings and I fully understand why.  I believe I’ve seen a few articles says anyone can learn a language without having an accent within a few months if they focus their effort properly.

  4. Don’t assume that the rejection was for the reason you said. It could have been that someone with comparable skills interviewed and is willing to work for less money. It could be that someone networked into the interview and is someone “known” by someone known to the hiring manager.

  5. Don’t assume that the rejection was for the reason you said. It could have been that someone with comparable skills interviewed and is willing to work for less money. It could be that someone networked into the interview and is someone “known” by someone known to the hiring manager.

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