Who Can Help With a Job Search?

The Top 10 Sources Who Can Help You With Your Job Search

Whether you are a student who is entering the workforce or the executive looking for new position, often the most critical question you can ask yourself is, “Who can help me with a job search?” After all, almost everyone knows that job boards offer limited results (although they should be used) and so do recruiters. Statistically, what I have seen for years is that both COMBINED fill approximately 30% of all positions.

  1. Your Network

70% of positions are filled as a result of networking–more than twice as many as who find work through job boards and recruiters combined. What isn’t discussed

Who Can Help With a Job Search?

is that within that figure filled through networking is that 70%  of the 70% (or 49% are filled) as a result of introductions by people who you know to people they know who you don’t know. That has been one of the huge takeaways people learned by listening to Job Search Radio.

In addition to the people who you know “up close and in-person,” you have spent years building the number of  your connections on LinkedIn but little time cultivating your network. If you are thinking of looking for work, it is time to actually cultivate your network on LinkedIn (and LinkedIn groups), Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other online only relationship situations. Share content. Drop a quick note to them. Connect with the people you know to see who they know.

2. Former bosses. 

Assuming you were NOT an incompetent or a buffoon while working with them, former managers are a great resource. Generally older than you, their network is with age peers who, like them, are now in management roles. Reconnecting with former managers opens the door to possibilities where they work and with people who they may know.

3. Former colleagues.

As is the case with former managers, former colleagues are now in other organizations where people may be hiring. In addition, they may have former colleagues from that organization who may need someone like you.

4. Friends and Family.

Mom and Dad, your husband, wife or partner, even the kids may be a source of referrals BUT they need to be able to understand what you do in a few sentences.Saying that you are a manager with a retailer doesn’t tell anyone whether you run a store, manage a piece of an accounting group, are CFO, run purchasing or procurement . . . a person listening to it is left wanting more and your ambassador (that is what the person presenting you is–your ambassador) is ill-prepared to help. Usually, people disregard the family member pitch unless there is something meaty provided. Create a 30 second description of what you do so if they hear of something they can offer you up.

5. Clergy

Clergy are among the underutilized resources job hunters have in situations like this. Put aside your embarrassment and/or shame about being out of work or looking for work. Arrange a private meeting and seek guidance. At worst, they may provide additional emotional comfort that you will need if the stress of being out of work or looking for work starts to become overwhelming when a family member asks, “How did it go today,” asking about the last interview they have.

6. Content creators

The skills needed to find a job are different than the skills needed to do a job. If 10000 hours of focused effort is the benchmark for becoming masterful at something, be honest with yourself and admit that you are an amateur at all the different elements of job hunting. Learn and practice. It is not enough for you to read an article or book, listen to a podcast or watch a video and think you have it handled. I have more than 2000 videos on YouTube, almost 300 podcasts recorded for Job Search Radio, plus another 700+ for No BS Job Search Advice Radio. There is a lot to learn! It is why I curated my information at JobSearchCoachingHQ.com into a manageable amount of core info.

7. Networking Groups.

These are the adult versions of the mixers I used to attend in college. Back then, I was trying to meet girls. Now, I am trying to meet people who can help me grow my coaching practice; I, in turn, try to help people grow their businesses. Attend networking groups and participate in groups on LinkedIn. Networking is a contact support. It means nothing if you pay the fee at the door and lean against the wall holding a drink You have to go out and actually talk to people so that they know, like, trust AND respect you for what you do.

8. Service Providers.

Service providers can fall into a number of different categories. They may be consultants or temps to your organization. After all, they understand that if they help you find a position, it may open up your firm to extend your contract. It can be a CPA or insurance agent who has contacts with other firms. One of my favorite stories is the one about the cleaning person who helped the male family member who she cleaned for find a position working for her husband’s bank. After all, her husband was the president of the bank and she cleaned homes in an effort to serve and maintain her humility. Another favorite was the barber who was the gateway to positions at a particular bank in NC. If he liked people, he introduced them to people he cut hair for who worked in the C suite at the bank.

9. Volunteer and Charitable Organizations You Belong To

There are people who you have met while in service to the organization who see you at your most passionate and enthusiastic. They may also be volunteerig time and effort and see you as being a great fit with their firm or may also know someone. Ask around!

10. Hire a job search coach. 

Most of you don’t know what you don’t know. Get help from someone who is working for you. After all, agency recruiters work for their client who pays them and not for you and often tell you as much as they think you need to know to take a job with their client. As I coach people around the globe, there are places that my perspective and experience gained from 40+ search experience prove valuable. I’m sure that is true of others, too. Hire someone to be your ally and don’t “cheap out.”

The hardest, yet smartest thing most of you can do is reach out and ask for help. Willpower doesn’t work as well as mobilizing all of your resources to aid you  during your search. Do the smart thing and reach out to these people and teach them how to help you.


© The Big Game Hunter, Inc. Asheville, NC  2017


If you liked this article, read, “9 Things to Do To Avoid Career Disasters.”


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. His work involves life coaching, as well as executive job search coaching and leadership coaching.Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

JobSearchCoachingHQ.com offers great advice for job hunters—videos, my books and guides to job hunting, podcasts, articles, PLUS a community for you to ask questions of PLUS the ability to ask me questions where I function as your ally with no conflict of interest answering your questions. NOW WITH A 7 DAY FREE TRIAL

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You can order a copy of “Diagnosing Your Job Search Problems” for Kindle for $.99 and receive free Kindle versions of “No BS Resume Advice” and “Interview Preparation.”

Are you interested in executive job search coaching, leadership coaching or life coaching from me?  Email me at JeffAltman@TheBigGameHunter.us and put the word, “Coaching” in the subject line.