What is Going to Be Different? (VIDEO)

Too many organizations suffer mediocrity because they have industrialize their workforce and turned them into machine-like disposable commodities.

What is going to be different?


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked in recruiting for what seems like one hundred years. He is the head coach for JobSearchCoachingHQ.com and NoBSCoachingAdvice.com

Follow him at The Big Game Hunter, Inc. on LinkedIn for more articles, videos and podcasts than what are offered here and jobs he is recruiting for.

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3 thoughts on “What is Going to Be Different? (VIDEO)”

  1. Ehm, you didn’t see that 10 page article on amazon in the New York Times
    earlier this year? I took note of that article, as it portends the future.
    Having gone through TQM, 6sigma, LEAN, etc, I see this coming and it will
    be imposed just GM did in the 90s. The only bright spot is that the term
    manager becomes meaningless as the KPI/metrics take over. There’s a nice
    chapter on 10X in into the plex anout Google but assume that every single
    bit of your work life is being constantly turned into metrics.
    The outcome might shock you.. I actually got a copy of the resulting
    spreadsheet once from a finance guy and found out whom was considered
    deadwood based on metrics – those ppl that spend time training and
    supporting new and inexperienced staff. Wish I could share but OMG the
    Taylorian economy is upon the white collar folks as well now

  2. Ehm, you didn’t see that 10 page article on amazon in the New York Times earlier this year? I took note of that article, as it portends the future. Having gone through TQM, 6sigma, LEAN, etc, I see this coming and it will be imposed just GM did in the 90s. The only bright spot is that the term manager becomes meaningless as the KPI/metrics take over. There’s a nice chapter on 10X in into the plex anout Google but assume that every single bit of your work life is being constantly turned into metrics.
    The outcome might shock you.. I actually got a copy of the resulting spreadsheet once from a finance guy and found out whom was considered deadwood based on metrics – those ppl that spend time training and supporting new and inexperienced staff. Wish I could share but OMG the Taylorian economy is upon the white collar folks as well now

  3. Ehm, you didn’t see that 10 page article on amazon in the New York Times earlier this year? I took note of that article, as it portends the future. Having gone through TQM, 6sigma, LEAN, etc, I see this coming and it will be imposed just GM did in the 90s. The only bright spot is that the term manager becomes meaningless as the KPI/metrics take over. There’s a nice chapter on 10X in into the plex anout Google but assume that every single bit of your work life is being constantly turned into metrics.
    The outcome might shock you.. I actually got a copy of the resulting spreadsheet once from a finance guy and found out whom was considered deadwood based on metrics – those ppl that spend time training and supporting new and inexperienced staff. Wish I could share but OMG the Taylorian economy is upon the white collar folks as well now

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