They Told Me I Did Well But I Haven’t Heard Back From Them

Someone asked my opinion on what I thought was going on and I thought I would share it with you.



I got a question from someone about a scenario they are involved with. She thought she had a gre

She thought she had a great interview and got good feedback live. Even after the interview, recruiter told her she did well. Now, she hasn’t heard anything; it’s been two weeks. What does it mean? What’s going on here?

What I’ve said to people for years, when you haven’t heard back from someone for weeks after getting positive feedback from them is that they are still interviewing. They’re not ready to close the doors on the dreamboat walking in the door. The result is that you’re left in limbo.

You’re sitting there saying, “When will they call? I hope I hear from them?” I know it’s frustrating, but, if you sit there waiting by the phone, waiting for the call from the employer, you are making a strategic mistake.

What you always want to be doing is taking what they say at face value and keep on interviewing. Keep on marketing yourself. Keep on working to have opportunities come up to you and knock you over.

Create competition for this situation.

You see, most of the time when things are put on the “back burner,” they fall off the stove. You don’t want to be so dependent on this one employer to be the one that you are waiting by the phone for in unrequited love. What you want to always be doing is to keep going out on dates (interviews). You want to be marketing yourself.

Keep promoting yourself. Keep networking. Keep on keeping on.

Until they are ready to move, all that happens is that you have a situation that is tantalizing but not the reality. They haven’t invited you back. They talk about how you did well. So what? There could be five more people they see after you that they might tell the same thing too.

Sometimes the employer calls the month, two months later and announces, “okay! We are ready to hire you!” You shouldn’t be waiting for them. After all, they weren’t in love with you sufficiently to drop down on one knee propose marriage to you.

So always be out there promoting, always be out there selling, always be out there building your network, online and in person.

That’s the simplest way to describe what’s going on. They are not ready to move. It doesn’t mean that you’re going to get this job.

Don’t fall for the seduction of the few words that you did well, whether that’s coming from the employer directly or from a third-party recruiter.That third-party recruiter may be your advocate or have four other people interviewing with this firm. They don’t care which one of them gets the job; they just want to collect the fee.

So just keep on keeping on and don’t fall for the bull being thrown at you. They are ready to move on you and you shouldn’t be ready to commit to sitting by the phone waiting for them to do so.



Do you really think employers are trying to help you? You already know you can’t trust recruiters—they tell as much as they think you need to know to take the job they are representing so they collect their payday.

The skills needed to find a job are different yet complement the skills needed to do a job.

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been a career coach and recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. is there to change that with great advice for job hunters—videos, my books and guides to job hunting, podcasts, articles, PLUS a community for you to ask questions of PLUS the ability to ask me questions where I function as your ally with no conflict of interest answering your questions.

Connect with me on LinkedIn

8 thoughts on “They Told Me I Did Well But I Haven’t Heard Back From Them”

  1. @ 3:30 _”Don’t fall for the seduction.”_  LOL!!! Amen, Jeff. We shouldn’t be sitting by the phone like a 16 year old girl waiting for Tommy Jones to call and ask us to the prom.  I learned that the hard way this week. Never again.

  2. @ 3:30 _”Don’t fall for the seduction.”_  LOL!!! Amen, Jeff. We shouldn’t be sitting by the phone like a 16 year old girl waiting for Tommy Jones to call and ask us to the prom.  I learned that the hard way this week. Never again.

  3. I am a career coach who worked in recruiting for many years. You may think of it that way and that is your prerogative. You happen to be wrong. Thinking of recruiters is nothing more than paper pushers is a childish projection that does nothing to change facts. It is unfortunate That you believe that lobbing insults represents critical thinking. Unfortunately, it doesn’t. If you don’t like what recruiters do, take it up with corporations who are very willing to pay them for what they do. Good luck and I hope you land something very quickly.

  4. I have never worked with you personally. I had the misfortune to rely on many other “recruiters” who each one of them passionately claimed they are “different”. They really are all just paper pushers. They do not really know the person they try to sell, they neither care nor able to understand what that person did and achieved; they just make everything more complicated.

    Companies work with them because companies are made of pathetic, lazy @ssholes.

    I don’t land anywhere. I am out of the corporate world for good.

  5. I won’t argue with your experience. It is YOUR experience. It wasn’t the experience of people I represented and I am sure some people would have said the same thing about me because they were disappointed and blamed me for the fact the did not have the experience my client wanted. Many times, recruiters are collateral damage on both sides of the transaction–companies change their mind, change the description and recruiters are blamed for bad client behavior. Then,job applicants exaggerate their knowledge and experience and it is also the recruiters fault (And recruiters are not blameless either. Some lie).

  6. My opinion is regardless of whether I was rejected or accepted to a specific position. You miss the point if you think that this is what determines whether you are a paper pusher or not.

    When in the corporate world, either way my job application went, I always knew, that the “recruiter” had no understanding of me, my experience, my academic and professional achievements, my goals, the field I am at…. damn it, they could not even understand my first homework assignment in my first semester at the university. *They are really just paper pushers.* Sometimes what they throw sticks, many times it does not. The more advanced positions you apply to are, the softer interviews tend to be (although my field is very technical), what I call “the private club interview” – essentially it’s just a matter of chemistry of your voice with the jerk on the other end of the phone, they basically decide if they like you within the first 5 seconds. Forget about the 20 years of PhD studies and academic research you went through. If he does not like you on the phone he has 100 other CVs on his desk. People in this field tend to be males, so it would have been an advantage to be a woman candidate on the phone, however I am not.

    For me, the question at some point became – do I want to waste my time on trying to be liked by some random dude, or just do something useful, productive, fascinating and fulfilling with my time, which does not require me to pass through those gatekeepers? I just happen to be in a very creative field, with many creative people being employed as drones just because they need the money, but could have done so much more amazing things.

  7. The theme of my next book is about avoiding recruiters at all costs . . . both third party and corporate recruiters. So many are clueless.

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