Job Search Lessons from Super Bowl 50 (video)


There is a huge lesson for job hunters to be learned from Super Bowl 50.


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been a career coach and recruiter for what seems like one hundred years.

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Job Search Lessons from Super Bowl 50


I discuss the big lesson from this Super Bowl.


The Super Bowl.

Super Bowl 50.

Peyton Manning. Great game!

Cam Newton. Not so good a game.

Every year I offer some information about a big lesson that we can take away from the Super Bowl. For this one, the observation I have is a pretty easy one.

The lesson really relates to older workers.

You’ve been asked to believe that as an older worker you’re subject to ageism.

I’m not going to say you’re not, but, with belief and with the determination to deliver, you can be someone who gets the job.

The Panthers were clearly a favorite team; they were young, hungry and coming off a great season. They had an MVP quarterback. The best coach in the league. Both were voted that the day before.

They walked into the game and they were metaphorically punched in the mouth by a tougher team.

Yes, the MVP the Super Bowl was a young player but every last one of the older players played tough, played hard and played effectively.

For you older workers, Denver was clearly an older team led by the oldest quarterback ever playing the Super Bowl, led by players who had been in the league for a long time on the defensive side of the ball.

For you older workers, sometimes you make excuses for why you don’t perform, why you play big on the stage, why you as an individual don’t deliver the goods.

You point to the fact that they were biased against you walking in the door because you are older.

I can telling you, “Don’t buy the bull.”

Most of the time I hear the feedback and the reason isn’t, “Well, yeah, he wouldn’t fit in here,”  which is the euphemism for old.

It’s that you didn’t really show up well.

I need to remind you that the big lesson from this game is really about delivering on the big stage.

You walk into that interview, you deliver; you deliver hard and strong and fast and don’t really worry about your age being a factor.

That’s the limiting belief that allows you to tolerate mediocrity.

“Oh, well, they won’t hire me because I’m old.”

Denver certainly proved that myth to be false.

All the players delivered on a big stage and won a huge victory.

I’ll simply say that I expect we’ll see Carolina back in the future but for one night, one opportunity, this was the victory of the older professional stand out there and hold the trophy and be the winner.

You do that for yourself as well if you play, if you deliver, if you prepare and execute the plan perfectly.


© The Big Game Hunter, Inc. Asheville, NC  2016


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been a coach and recruiter for what seems like one hundred years.

Follow him at The Big Game Hunter, Inc. on LinkedIn for more articles, videos and podcasts than what are offered here and jobs he is recruiting for.

Visit There’s a lot more advice there.

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