The Importance of Branding | Job Search Radio

and How to Do It So You Profit From It FOREVER!

Whether we look at decisions we make about buying detergent (no one ever compares ingredients to see which will clean their laundry better) or a car (A Hyundai, a Mercedes and a Tesla will all take you to and from where you want to go yet people buy them for different reasons), people are influenced by brands and brand messaging in their purchases.
Yet job hunters ignore their own opportunities to brand themselves for the entirety of their career and influence hiring managers.

Marie Zimenoff answers Jeff’s questions about the importance of branding and how to do it so you can profit from it FOREVER.



Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. His work involves career coaching, all as well as executive job search coaching and business life coaching. He is the host of “Job Search Radio,” “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” and his newest show, “No BS Coaching Advice.”

Are you interested in 1:1 coaching, interview coaching, advice about networking more effectively, how to negotiate your offer or leadership coaching? Visit and click the relevant tab on the top of the page. offers great advice for job hunters—videos, my books and guides to job hunting, podcasts, articles, PLUS a community for you to ask questions of PLUS the ability to ask me questions where I function as your ally with no conflict of interest answering your questions.  

Connect with me on LinkedIn. Like me on Facebook.

You can order a copy of “Diagnosing Your Job Search Problems” for Kindle on Amazon and receive free Kindle versions of “No BS Resume Advice” and “Interview Preparation.”

Don’t forget to give the show 5 stars and a good review in iTunes

If you want to know how to win more interviews, order “Winning Interviews.” You’ll learn how to win phone interviews, in-person interviews, the best question to ask on any interview and more.

Would you like to talk through a salary negotiation or potential negotiation you’re involved with? Order and schedule time with me.

Do you have questions or would like advice about networking or any aspect of your search. Order and schedule time with me.

Would you like me to critique your resume. Order a critique from me

For more about LinkedIn, order “Stacked: Double Your Job Interviews, Leverage Recruiters and Unlock LinkedIn.”

Jeff’s Kindle book, “You Can Fix Stupid: No BS Hiring Advice,” is available on Amazon.

How to build a career brand

How to Build a Career Brand

What is the crux of your career? What is the soul of your work? In this video, I speak to the importance of identifying, claiming and marketing your answers.


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. His work involves life coaching, as well as executive job search coaching and business life coaching. He is the host of “Job Search Radio,” “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” and his newest show, “No BS Coaching Advice.”

Are you interested in 1:1 coaching, interview coaching, advice about networking more effectively, how to negotiate your offer or leadership coaching?  Email me at and put the word, “Coaching” in the subject line and tell me about your circumstances in the body of the email. offers great advice for job hunters—videos, my books and guides to job hunting, podcasts, articles, PLUS a community for you to ask questions of PLUS the ability to ask me questions where I function as your ally with no conflict of interest answering your questions.  

Connect with me on LinkedIn. Like me on Facebook.

You can order a copy of “Diagnosing Your Job Search Problems” for Kindle and receive free Kindle versions of “No BS Resume Advice” and “Interview Preparation.”

Don’t forget to give the show 5 stars and a good review in iTunes

If you want to know how to win more interviews, order “Winning Interviews.” You’ll learn how to win phone interviews, in-person interviews, the best question to ask on any interview and more.

Would you like to talk through a salary negotiation or potential negotiation you’re involved with? Order and schedule time with me.

Do you have questions or would like advice about networking or any aspect of your search. Order and schedule time with me.

Would you like me to critique your resume. Order a critique from me

For more about LinkedIn, order “Stacked: Double Your Job Interviews, Leverage Recruiters and Unlock LinkedIn.”

Jeff’s Kindle book, “You Can Fix Stupid: No BS Hiring Advice,” is available on Amazon.

Developing A Brand For Your Career and Your Job Search (VIDEO)


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter identifies the importance of your brand in your job search and why you should work on one now.


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. His work

involves life coaching, as well as executive job search coaching and business life coaching. He is the host of “Job Search Radio” and “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” both available through iTunes and Stitcher.

Are you interested in executive job search coaching, leadership coaching or life coaching from me?  Email me at and put the word, “Coaching” in the subject line.

Do you have a question you would like me to answer? Pay $25 via PayPal to offers great advice for job hunters—videos, my books and guides to job hunting, podcasts, articles, PLUS a community for you to ask questions of PLUS the ability to ask me questions where I function as your ally with no conflict of interest answering your questions.  

Connect with me on LinkedIn. Like me on Facebook.

You can order a copy of “Diagnosing Your Job Search Problems” for Kindle for $.99 and receive free Kindle versions of “No BS Resume Advice” and “Interview Preparation.”

How to Use Branding and Uncommon Sense to Get Your First Job, Last Job, and Every Job in Between


I was introduced to Richard Lewis at the end of last year and was taken by the story of Jennifer, the person who is at the crux of his book, “Why Hire Jennifer.”

As the former US brand manager for Absolut during its launch in the US, Richard has a great story to tell about branding yourself for job hunting and how it can come from some of the most unusual places.


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. His work involves life coaching, as well as executive job search coaching and business life coaching. He is the host of “Job Search Radio” and “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” both available through iTunes and Stitcher.

Are you interested in executive job search coaching, leadership coaching or life coaching from me?  Email me at and put the word, “Coaching” in the subject line.

Do you have a question you would like me to answer? Pay $25 via PayPal to offers great advice for job hunters—videos, my books and guides to job hunting, podcasts, articles, PLUS a community for you to ask questions of PLUS the ability to ask me questions where I function as your ally with no conflict of interest answering your questions.  

Connect with me on LinkedIn. Like me on Facebook.

You can order a copy of “Diagnosing Your Job Search Problems” for Kindle for $.99 and receive free Kindle versions of “No BS Resume Advice” and “Interview Preparation.”

Branding Yourself in 2 Minutes or Less | Job Search Radio

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter invited Manhattan career coach Ellis Chase, author of “The Fund Forever Job” back to speak about branding and the importance of avoiding the typical 30 second “elevator pitch.”

Together, they discuss a formula for constructing and branding statement that can be used at network meetings, when running into someone, at interviews and other places that will help you standout in people’s minds, help you get more interviews and more effective results.


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. His work involves life coaching, as well as executive job search coaching and business life coaching.

Are you interested in executive job search coaching, leadership coaching or life coaching from me?  Email me at and put the word, “Coaching” in the subject line.

Do you have a question you would like me to answer? Pay $25 via PayPal to and then forward your question to the same address. offers great advice for job hunters—videos, my books and guides to job hunting, podcasts, articles, PLUS a community for you to ask questions of PLUS the ability to ask me questions where I function as your ally with no conflict of interest answering your questions.  

Connect with me on LinkedIn. Like me on Facebook.

You can order a copy of “Diagnosing Your Job Search Problems” for Kindle for $.99 and receive free Kindle versions of “No BS Resume Advice” and “Interview Preparation.”

Networking Mistakes: Not Working on Personal Branding (VIDEO)

Continuing my series on networking mistakes, I discussed the mistake of not working on personal branding when you are NOT actively looking for work.

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is an executive job search and leadership coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. changes that with great advice for job hunters—videos, my books and guides to job hunting, podcasts, articles, PLUS a community for you to ask questions of PLUS the ability to ask me questions where I function as your ally with no conflict of interest answering your questions. 


Connect with me on LinkedInLike me on Facebook

You can order a copy of “Diagnosing Your Job Search Problems” for Kindle for $.99 and receive free Kindle versions of “No BS Resume Advice” and “Interview Preparation.”



If you are an executive who is interested in 1 on 1 coaching, email me at JeffAltman(at)​

Branding Yourself For Job Search Success | Job Search Radio

Most people do not appreciate how important branding is to your job search and professional success.

On this show, Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter speaks with Kevin Kermes about the importance of branding, both the strategy and tactics as well as the underlying message, and then arming people with the information to advocate for you.


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. His work involves life coaching, as well as executive job search coaching and business life coaching. offers great advice for job hunters—videos, my books and guides to job hunting, podcasts, articles, PLUS a community for you to ask questions of PLUS the ability to ask me questions where I function as your ally with no conflict of interest answering your questions.


Connect with me on LinkedIn

You can order a copy of “Diagnosing Your Job Search Problems” for Kindle for $.99 and receive free Kindle versions of “No BS Resume Advice” and “Interview Preparation.”


Are you interested in executive job search coaching, leadership coaching or life coaching from me?  Email me at and put the word, “Coaching” in the subject line.

What Are You Known For?

When people develop their careers, they often abdicate their career planning to employers and take advice from friends and family who are well intentioned but want you to be “safe . . . ” whatever that means these days.

Instead, in this video, I offer one thing you need to do to advantage you for opportunities within your firm AND outside your firm.



In talking with you today, I want to give you a metaphor for using a restaurant, for example. Have you ever bee n to a restaurant that you never been to before, walked in, and asked the waiter, “What is it that this restaurant is really known for? What is your signature dish?”  You can see the smile appear on the waiter or waitress his face as they describe this dish that they think is spectacular.

Have you ever been to a resort to a particular part of the world. And, before booking the trip, ask yourself, “What am I going to do here?  What is this part of the world really known for?”  Isn’t known for diving?  Isn’t known for great theater? Whatever it is, you are looking for the signature item for that location.

As a career professional, you are mapping your career.  When you are thinking of joining the next organization, you need to be prepared to talk about that thing that you are known for, the quality that you really excel at, the thing that when your boss is talking to their boss, they can say, “What Jeff is really good at is…” They can answer it.

When you’re going on the interview, there is something that you did, I can call it a “hero story,”where you stepped into a situation and you really stood out from everyone else.

If you are just going to recite a litany of roles, responsibilities and the whole bunch of stuff that you’ve done, you are going to come across as being ordinary.

However, if there is that one thing that you have invested blood, and guts, and effort for, that you are known for in your organization, where your boss will go to bat for you internally, where the next organization is going to think, “Hmm. We really need someone like this,” you will have a way of standing out from all the other people who are saying, “Sure.  Bring it on!

Invariably, what gives you an advantage in job hunting is your branding.  This is a form of branding.  Where, through time and effort, you can stand out from anyone else.

Catch that.

Where you can stand out from anyone else.

I want to remind you that most people make the mistake of keeping their heads down and doing a great job and forgetting to tell people about it.  They try to do the “cool approach.”  They tried to use false modesty in what they talk about but you have to go “big” with this.

I’m not saying to take out a billboard somewhere, but you have to make sure that everyone knows what you have accomplished– what you set out to do, the challenges that she faced, and how you went about persevering and succeeding.  If no one knows, what’s the point?  People need to know.

What advantages you is the signature dish, where people think to themselves, “Ahhhh!  The beef Wellington.”  “The vegetarian (fill in the blank).”  Whatever it is, it is extraordinary and you have done fabulous work .  You have testimonials on LinkedIn profile and you can reference this.  You have done this in an organization. We helped turn it around or gotten into a strategic role with this firm where the money was invested in growing this line of business.

The administrative stuff like the accounts receivable system, is boring.  You are a commodity.  No one cares.

Look for situations where you can turn around something or join an organization or lead an organization where money is invested because they are growing something significant.



Do you think employers are trying to help you? You already know you can’t trust recruiters—they tell you as much as they think you need to know to take the job they after representing so they collect their payday.

The skills needed to find a job are different yet complement the skills needed to do a job.

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been a career coach and recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. changes that with great advice for job hunters—videos, my books and guides to job hunting, podcasts, articles, PLUS a community for you to ask questions of PLUS the ability to ask me questions where I function as your ally with no conflict of interest answering your questions.

Connect with me on LinkedIn

You can order a copy of “Diagnosing Your Job Search Problems” for Kindle for $.99 and receive free Kindle versions of “No BS Resume Advice” and “Interview Preparation.”


Branding for Blue Collar and Other Workers

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter talks about Job search branding for blue-collar workers.


Today, I’m going to speak about branding. Although the podcast is targeted toward the blue wall collar worker, I think there’s a lot is an adaptable to everyone. Hear me out and try and follow the advice I give.

It doesn’t have to be perfect the first time, but you want to involve these so they are useful to you not just now but for years to come.

The first thing I want to mention is that you need to spend some time figuring out what makes you special? What makes you unique? What makes you then other people who do the kind of work you do? How do you stand out from the pack?

Point number two is that when you look at your online persona, keep the critical comments and snarky remarks and the bad pictures off of your profiles. Firms are going online to find out what they can about people. You don’t want these things standing in your way.

The third thing is, if a recruiter was going to find you, whether that is a corporate recruiter or an agency recruiter, think like them and provide the sort of keywords in your LinkedIn profile and other places that will allow them to find you.

If you are blogging, make sure the SCO for your blog post mentions the appropriate keywords that allow discovery.

Here’s the fourth one. I think maybe the most important one. Start to chronicle your work life with video. With pictures. With things that show you in a great light.

There’s an interesting website and they have a beta of their applicant I’m starting to work with. The site is called Somewhere.

With the app allows you to do is chronicle your professional life with a picture and a description. People are curious. I find the people, other than those who work with the firm of course are starting to follow me regularly. You’ll find it if you start chronicling yourself professionally, with photos and/or video, play them up on LinkedIn, bring them up on Somewhere, putting them up on Facebook, twitter and other places, you will be laying the foundation so that, maybe not in this job search in the future, people start looking out for you and start to look for you.

You’ll start to develop a brand or you are known as a success in the field.


Do you think employers are trying to help you? You already know you can’t trust recruiters—they tell as they think you need to know to take the job they after representing so they collect their payday.

The skills needed to find a job are different yet complement the skills needed to do a job.

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been a career coach and recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. is there to change that with great advice for job hunters—videos, my books and guides to job hunting, podcasts, articles, PLUS a community for you to ask questions of PLUS the ability to ask me questions where I function as your ally with no conflict of interest answering your questions.

Connect with me on LinkedIn

Job Search Branding Lessons from Your Local Supermarket

supermarketJeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter discusses career branding classes that you can find in your local supermarket.



I want to give you an example of how effective branding can be. It’s one that you are familiar with in your personal life and I want to use it as a metaphor for why you should be doing branding in your career and your professional life.

When you go to the store and buy laundry detergent have you ever in your entire life picked up the container of detergent, turned around and said to yourself, “Hmm. I think the combination of chemicals in this detergent will do a better job of cleaning my laundry then these chemicals will.”

No. You’ve never done that once in your entire life. You put that laundry detergent because you’ve always bought that laundry detergent, or because there was a coupon, or it was cheaper… Anything other than the fact that it would make your wash cleaner.

Job hunting can be much the same thing and you can become the preferred hire for an organization by creating a brand for yourself as powerful as the detergent makers make for theirs.

Coffee. Starbucks coffee or another brand of coffee? How did Starbucks become so powerful? It’s more expensive. Oh! It is a better coffee! They created an experience for you at the store and you want to take that experience home with you.

Item by item things that advertisers are doing to create a brand image in your mind to advantage themselves over competitors. The organic apple versus the nonorganic Apple. It’s healthier. That’s the brand that they have.

Item by item, there are things that are been done to create an impression in your mind that it is better to work for versus another one. You’ve been trained and conditioned to do this.

In job hunting, branding takes a lot of different forms. It’s all the things that you do online they create an image that allows you to be the expert. If you do public speaking, to our hat a seminar, if you work with the firm that is recognizable… Let me give you an example – – Facebook, Google, Amazon, Netflix, Microsoft versus three guys starting up in their basement.

How about Goldman Sachs versus another financial institution? On and on and on there is an image that firms try to create from an employment perspective that you can create for yourself from a job search perspective, from a career perspective that can advantage yourself over your competitors so that when you are found and reached out to, you’re the person that they believe can do the job, you’re the perceived expert walking in the door versus the supplicant hat in hand begging for the job.

Always put yourself in the position of being the expert.




Do you think employers are trying to help you? You already know you can’t trust recruiters—they tell as they think you need to know to take the job they after representing so they collect their payday.

The skills needed to find a job are different yet complement the skills needed to do a job.

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been a career coach and recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. is there to change that with great advice for job hunters—videos, my books and guides to job hunting, podcasts, articles, PLUS a community for you to ask questions of PLUS the ability to ask me questions where I function as your ally with no conflict of interest answering your questions.JOIN BEFORE SEPTEMBER 5TH AND AVOID THE PRICE INCREASE.

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