Smart Job Search


Most people begin their job search by saying to themselves, “I’ve had it. I think it’s time to make a change.” They know what they don’t want but haven’t taken the time to figure out what will satisfy them or what will please them.

Organizing a job search is not about flipping resumes to job ads like a cook in a fast food restaurant, nor is it only about what you want to do. It also involves careful thought and understanding about how your experience “fits” the job market.

In addition, you must know who you are and what motivates you as well as what criteria are important enough to be uncompromising about and on which ones you’re willing to be flexible.

© The Big Game Hunter, Inc. Asheville, NC 2016


Do you think employers are trying to help you? You already know you can’t trust recruiters—they tell you as much as they think you need to know to take the job they after representing so they collect their payday.

The skills needed to find a job are different yet complement the skills needed to do a job.

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been a career coach and recruiter for what seems like one hundred years. changes that with great advice for job hunters—videos, my books and guides to job hunting, podcasts, articles, PLUS a community for you to ask questions of PLUS the ability to ask me questions where I function as your ally with no conflict of interest answering your questions.

Connect with me on LinkedIn

You can order a copy of “Diagnosing Your Job Search Problems” for Kindle for $.99 and receive free Kindle versions of “No BS Resume Advice” and “Interview Preparation.”