Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter answers a question from someone who wants to know whether administering a written test to potential hires is a good idea.
Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is an executive job search and leadership coach who worked as a recruiter for what seems like one hundred years.
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Only every job ever. Some were jokes that flustered no one, some were
designed to test speed and accuracy…
Would like to propose the inbox assessment test (3 hours) as an ideal one
Only every job ever. Some were jokes that flustered no one, some were designed to test speed and accuracy…
Would like to propose the inbox assessment test (3 hours) as an ideal one
Only every job ever. Some were jokes that flustered no one, some were designed to test speed and accuracy…
Would like to propose the inbox assessment test (3 hours) as an ideal one
+Maurice Levie The problems aren’t the test. The problem is the test is a standalone test that is used to compare with people on staff or with clients at the person will interact with. How do you know a person will fit unless you’ve tested during people regularly after all, people do change, don’t they? And the next client that gets tested will be the first one.
+Maurice Levie The problems aren’t the test. The problem is the test is a standalone test that is used to compare with people on staff or with clients at the person will interact with. How do you know a person will fit unless you’ve tested during people regularly after all, people do change, don’t they? And the next client that gets tested will be the first one.
the inbox assessment test is great to test people under stress. I would recommend it to be used on every employee type, incl executives.
Now, I would always hire a foreign resource who shows me that they passed the TOEFL test (speaks, writes, and reads english at college freshmen level) if his previous exps as well as credentials check out.
Video testing – I did the EPIC one, see google for tips and tricks, they do that for every level no matter who you are.
In general, if you object to being tested, you better show a boatload of up to date certificates.
the inbox assessment test is great to test people under stress. I would recommend it to be used on every employee type, incl executives.
Now, I would always hire a foreign resource who shows me that they passed the TOEFL test (speaks, writes, and reads english at college freshmen level) if his previous exps as well as credentials check out.
Video testing – I did the EPIC one, see google for tips and tricks, they do that for every level no matter who you are.
In general, if you object to being tested, you better show a boatload of up to date certificates.