I conducted an experiment on Facebook about asking for help. What goes on for you?
Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a coach who worked in recruiting for what seems like one hundred years. He is the head coach for JobSearchCoachingHQ.com and NoBSCoachingAdvice.com
Follow him at The Big Game Hunter, Inc. on LinkedIn for more articles, videos and podcasts than what are offered here and jobs he is recruiting for.
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There are two schools of thought – solidarity and meritocracy. In a
meritocracy you get what you deserve and help will co$t you. In a
solidarity people will stand by you, maybe your mom is the best example. I
find the US to be a society that prides itself on being self-reliant, and
even when you’re down you’re expected to at least be able to pick yourself
Now, in a church setting you will get moral support but likely not much
Anything less than being up the creek i found to be seen as
overcome-able..people passing stranded motorists without stopping eats at
me but I have to remind myself that they probably called for help already
and are just waiting.
Now help is a funny word in English, it’s overly broad. In French,
immediate help and assistance help are two completely different words with
vastly different honor and urgency. Refusing to provide immediate help is a
criminal act, assistance help is completely optional but honorable to a
point, lunacy beyond it. Maybe if you specified what the help is for the
evasion would have been lessened?
There are two schools of thought – solidarity and meritocracy. In a meritocracy you get what you deserve and help will co$t you. In a solidarity people will stand by you, maybe your mom is the best example. I find the US to be a society that prides itself on being self-reliant, and even when you’re down you’re expected to at least be able to pick yourself up.
Now, in a church setting you will get moral support but likely not much more.
Anything less than being up the creek i found to be seen as overcome-able..people passing stranded motorists without stopping eats at me but I have to remind myself that they probably called for help already and are just waiting.
Now help is a funny word in English, it’s overly broad. In French, immediate help and assistance help are two completely different words with vastly different honor and urgency. Refusing to provide immediate help is a criminal act, assistance help is completely optional but honorable to a point, lunacy beyond it. Maybe if you specified what the help is for the evasion would have been lessened?
There are two schools of thought – solidarity and meritocracy. In a meritocracy you get what you deserve and help will co$t you. In a solidarity people will stand by you, maybe your mom is the best example. I find the US to be a society that prides itself on being self-reliant, and even when you’re down you’re expected to at least be able to pick yourself up.
Now, in a church setting you will get moral support but likely not much more.
Anything less than being up the creek i found to be seen as overcome-able..people passing stranded motorists without stopping eats at me but I have to remind myself that they probably called for help already and are just waiting.
Now help is a funny word in English, it’s overly broad. In French, immediate help and assistance help are two completely different words with vastly different honor and urgency. Refusing to provide immediate help is a criminal act, assistance help is completely optional but honorable to a point, lunacy beyond it. Maybe if you specified what the help is for the evasion would have been lessened?