Every day, people use job boards to apply for jobs. Job boards are a semi efficient ways for companies to communicate with people outside their organization about opportunities.
I describe it as semi-efficient because companies think they are spammed with resumes that in no way fit what they are looking for.
So people screening resumes start to become numb to all the responses.
How do you cut through “the noise” and get to the person who is hiring for the job?
Build your LinkedIn network.
I have 3300+ people in my immediate network and often if I want to contact with someone, I send a note to someone in my network asking who I should get in contact with and can they introduce me to them.
Another way is being in LinkedIn groups that relate to your work and your target organization. For example, if you want to connect with someone with Capgemini, there’s a group on LinkedIn for Capgemini alumni.
Do you work in corporate HR? Join one of the many groups for corporate HR professionals.
Do you work in Europe and trying to connect with someone there? You’re probably familliar with Xing. The same strategy applies there.
None of this work?
Only give it two days and then join Jigsaw and pay $1 to find the name.
Doing “the end run” or “the back door” is not difficult in these times. Cut the line where you can and you’ll wind up with many more interviews.
P.S. If we aren’t already connected, send a LinkedIn connection request. My public profile is here
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