Mistakes, Shame and Learning

We all make mistakes but often respond with shame for having made them. Here I discuss how to so that you can learn and grow from the experience.

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter has been coaching people to play their professional and personal games BIG for what seems like 100 years.

For more No BS Coaching Advice and encouragement, visit my website, <a href="http://
www.NoBSCoachingAdvice.com” >www.NoBSCoachingAdvice.com

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5 thoughts on “Mistakes, Shame and Learning”

  1. Learn from politicians. If your workspace is such that your mistakes are
    brought up and enumerated, especially by management, then become more hard
    nosed. Sorry should be enough if it’s between two people. Push back or
    deflect if the reaction to is an order of magnitude higher than the oops
    -Spending too much time on your knees begging for forgiveness becomes a

  2. Learn from politicians. If your workspace is such that your mistakes are brought up and enumerated, especially by management, then become more hard nosed. Sorry should be enough if it’s between two people. Push back or deflect if the reaction to is an order of magnitude higher than the oops -Spending too much time on your knees begging for forgiveness becomes a habit.

  3. Learn from politicians. If your workspace is such that your mistakes are brought up and enumerated, especially by management, then become more hard nosed. Sorry should be enough if it’s between two people. Push back or deflect if the reaction to is an order of magnitude higher than the oops -Spending too much time on your knees begging for forgiveness becomes a habit.

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