False Choices (VIDEO)

You are constantly being presented bad choices and told to pick between them. And you do. Why do you do it?




Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is an executive job search and leadership coach who worked in recruiting for what seems like one hundred years. He is the head coach for JobSearchCoachingHQ.com and NoBSCoachingAdvice.com

Follow him at The Big Game Hunter, Inc. on LinkedIn for more articles, videos and podcasts than what are offered here and jobs he is recruiting for.

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5 thoughts on “False Choices (VIDEO)”

  1. You know the Karass method right? You create an artificial deadline to
    focus attention on a negotiation that may (or Not) be crucial to none, one,
    or several parties.. All while changing the environmentalists to make the
    other side’s uncomfortable.

    Making choices… Since in the US so much is wrapped up in a job, people
    will stick with it because as the song says, there are addictions to feed.
    In many ways having had a 10 year recession has been wonderful to remove
    the dizzying perception of “choice”.. Choice to not take a job, choice to
    job hop, choice to keep, fire, or outsource your employees. The choice
    culture has in the way you describe paralyzed people. I hear your
    explanations of why candidates can’t get converted to CFH or FTE, and a
    large part of that has been due to the consequences of the earlier choices
    your company made, or the inflated belief in choices of the candidate. Once
    jobs dry up, companies realize they are in BFE, or just plain stink (I use
    “your company has run out of friends” a lot these days to managers that
    think churn and burn is acceptable behavior), we all came off the
    “choices/options mindset”.

  2. You know the Karass method right? You create an artificial deadline to focus attention on a negotiation that may (or Not) be crucial to none, one, or several parties.. All while changing the environmentalists to make the other side’s uncomfortable.

    Making choices… Since in the US so much is wrapped up in a job, people will stick with it because as the song says, there are addictions to feed. In many ways having had a 10 year recession has been wonderful to remove the dizzying perception of “choice”.. Choice to not take a job, choice to job hop, choice to keep, fire, or outsource your employees. The choice culture has in the way you describe paralyzed people. I hear your explanations of why candidates can’t get converted to CFH or FTE, and a large part of that has been due to the consequences of the earlier choices your company made, or the inflated belief in choices of the candidate. Once jobs dry up, companies realize they are in BFE, or just plain stink (I use “your company has run out of friends” a lot these days to managers that think churn and burn is acceptable behavior), we all came off the “choices/options mindset”.

  3. You know the Karass method right? You create an artificial deadline to focus attention on a negotiation that may (or Not) be crucial to none, one, or several parties.. All while changing the environmentalists to make the other side’s uncomfortable.

    Making choices… Since in the US so much is wrapped up in a job, people will stick with it because as the song says, there are addictions to feed. In many ways having had a 10 year recession has been wonderful to remove the dizzying perception of “choice”.. Choice to not take a job, choice to job hop, choice to keep, fire, or outsource your employees. The choice culture has in the way you describe paralyzed people. I hear your explanations of why candidates can’t get converted to CFH or FTE, and a large part of that has been due to the consequences of the earlier choices your company made, or the inflated belief in choices of the candidate. Once jobs dry up, companies realize they are in BFE, or just plain stink (I use “your company has run out of friends” a lot these days to managers that think churn and burn is acceptable behavior), we all came off the “choices/options mindset”.

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